Tuesday, 8 July 2008

The Price of a Soul

A shilling? A pound? Pray what do you say?
Can that be the price of a soul today?
If that were the price you'd be willing to pay,
Come follow these souls on their downward way.

Here's one with a skin that is dark and black
And he's burdened and fettered and hungry with lack.
He has stumbled and fallen and lives in a shack,
Now, what would you pay to bring this soul back?

Here's one who is red, on a jungle trail,
And his heart despises the face that is pale
But eternal night will be filled with his wail
And you hold the price of a soul if you fail.

Here's one who is brown and his life is too,
But his soul is a color of deeper hue.
To save him, kind friend, O what will you do?
The price of a soul, perhaps, is with you.

My friend, ask yourself what it's worth to be saved.
Turn the light of the Cross on what you have craved.
Then vision the souls now lying enslaved.
You surely will pray and give till they're saved.

By Dane Felker

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